★根据西班牙畅销图像小说改编,揭开西班牙内战史上最黑暗的一页! ★极限追击,绝无冷场,他一个人面对整个国家的血腥猎杀! 时值西班牙佛朗哥将军独裁政权,一组革命军游击队欲进行破坏任务,并藉此推翻独裁政府,不料行动出了差错,游击队队长安赛默因爆炸永久失去了听力。面对政府军的地毯式搜索和追杀,安赛默必须躲避致命的追击,并营救遭俘虏刑求的同志,一场保命与救援的无声战争即将展开…
81-year-old master, Jean-Marie Straub, once again invents and surprises with his latest film. Kommunisten consists of six parts, five of which have been taken from his earlier works. Straub does not aim to be self-reverential, but instead wants to make different blocks (of text, time, and languages) clash so as to highlight invisible elements of feelings and politics. It is a film about human adventure, from the past century to the one ahead. In this project, all the things that the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet have been based on for the past fifty years, find their most raw and recent form.
Posing as a foppish coward, Diego, a Spanish nobleman, fights injustice in colonial California. Upon his return from Spain, Diego realizes that Captain Pasquale is terrorizing the district and levying unreasonable taxes. Disguised as Zorro - a masked Robin Hood-like swashbuckler - the young Spaniard menaces the local authorities to the delight of all the peasants. In the meanti...
一个男人同意接受一份工作,成为一个有钱女商人的 "住家 "佣人。然后他意识到他已经与魔鬼做了交易。
查理(约翰·特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)和丹(罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams 饰)不仅是相处多年的老友,还是合作无间的工作伙伴,一起经历了这么多年的风风雨雨,两人之间的友谊真挚诚恳牢不可破。 前妻的突然出现打破了丹平静的生活,因为她带来了两个小鬼头并告诉丹他们是他的孩子。对于这两个小孩,一向糊里糊涂的丹根本就闻所未闻,也无法确定,他们是否真的和自己血脉相通,在混乱之中,两个孩子就这样进入了丹的生活。对照顾孩子毫无经验的丹请来了查理充当“军师”,两个男人、两个孩子和一条狗,会有怎样妙趣横生的故事发生在这个奇特的“大家庭”之中呢?
The 'Mighty Eighth Air Force' tilted the balance for the Allies during World War II. This is the story of how they did it, using rare archival footage and dramatic eye-witness accounts of the airmen and the commanders themselves.
#39;JFK: Seven Days That Made a President' investigates the seven key days in JFK's life that helped shape his character and have come to define him. They include the day he nearly died as a teenager from a mystery illness; the day, as a PT boat captain his boat was sunk by a Japanese destroyer killing two of his crew; the first televised presidential debate with Richard Nixon, hi...
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