哈切森扮演的尼克,是个涉世未深的大学生,与哥哥一起来到哥伦比亚旅行冲浪时,爱上了一个当地的女孩玛利亚,而玛利亚正是毒枭帕布罗·埃斯科巴的侄女,尼克由此进入埃斯科巴的毒品网络,成为其亲信之一。政府对贩毒组织的大规模调查和打击开始之后,埃斯科巴的疑心也日渐加重,尼克的处境岌岌可危…… 本尼西奥·德尔·托罗在片中扮演的毒枭帕布罗·埃斯科巴(Pablo Escobar),历史上确有其人。他是哥伦比亚臭名昭著的“可卡因之王”,1993年死于哥伦比亚警方的追捕行动。
As the 100th anniversary of Titanic's sinking approaches, a team of scientists, engineers, archaeologists and imaging experts have joined forces to answer one of the most haunting questions surrounding the legendary disaster: Just how did the "unsinkable" ship break apart and plunge into the icy waters of the North Atlantic
Updated version of the Agatha Christie book "And Then There Were None. In this version, the group is invited, under false pretenses, to an isolated hotel in the Iranian desert. After dinner, a cassette tape (voiced by the legendary Orson Welles) accuses them all of crimes that they have gotten away with. One by one they begin to die, in accordance to the Ten Little Indians Nurs...
Inès在一家位于布加勒斯特的德国大型企业工作。她的生活一直井然有序,直到她的父亲Winfried突然造访,并向她提出了这个问题:“你幸福吗?”面对这个根本无法回答的问题,她的生活开始出现一系列翻天覆地的变化。她并不喜欢自己的父亲,甚至有点以他为耻,但他却通过捏造一个名叫Toni Erdmann的诙谐人物,试图为她的生活找到一个方向。
许丽珍是一位槟榔西施,她与8岁儿子相依为命;生活就像是个无法挣脱的牢笼,让她只能日复一日,忍受旁人轻蔑的眼光,挣钱过活… 直到某天,她与无法走出离婚阴霾的警员林康伟,因缘际会有了进一步接触、了解…而槟榔摊来了一位大陆新娘〝刘惠敏〞,加入西施的行列;而许父,也因为积欠赌债,偷走了许丽珍母亲留下的项链… 当许丽珍准备再次打开心扉,尝试接受林康伟感情之际,许父突然罹癌、好友刘惠敏被强暴…让原本试途扭转命运的许丽珍,面临陷入更大牢笼的危机中…
An alluringly low-key and enigmatic portrayal of the alienation, disillusionment and loss of direction that have become widespread among young people in contemporary China. Filmed in elegant and absorbing long takes, the film interweaves the lives of several rootless people who become linked with one another by chance, by their sexual obsessions, and by the loss of a mobile pho...
A documentary-style look into how the Disney+ original series "High School Musical: The Musical - The Series" (2019) was created.
In the animation Mother Land, the Yates, a nomadic tribe of Tundra, adhere to the traditional lifestyle despite the conciliatory and coercion of development. A little girl, Krisha; her younger brother, Kolya; and her mother and father live happily in the traditional way. However, one day, while her mother is ill and her father goes to the city to get medicine, Krisha and Kolya ...
1刑的乌鸦 特别篇
1月14日21時からフジテレビ系の土曜プレミアム枠で放送の「イチケイのカラス スペシャル」は、自由奔放で型破りな裁判官?入間みちおが、イチケイこと東京地方裁判所第3支部第1刑事部を去ってから1年後の物語が描かれる。みちおが担当する“熊本?ヤンキーの決闘”と、イチケイの部長裁判官である駒沢義男が担当する“東京?大企業の代理お家騒動”、スケールの異なる2つのケンカ事件から、ある接点が浮かび上がっていく。
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