quot;Clean Eating"是欧美正在流行的趋势,新鲜、自然的食材能"清洁"身体,但事实果真如此吗,新陈代谢专家Giles Yeo博士深入调查。 Dr Giles Yeo investigates the latest diet craze and social media sensation - clean eating. Giles cooks with Ella Mills and sifts through the claims of the Hemsley sisters. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08bhd29/horizon-20162017-18-clean-eating-the-dirty-truth#long-descriptio
马丁(迈克尔·J·福克斯 饰)从他生活的八十年代来到了1955年,根据好朋友埃米? 布朗博士(克里斯托弗·洛伊德 饰)于1885年留下的信件,马丁找到了博士研制的时空穿梭机。本以为可以乘坐着这台机器回到未来,马丁却意外发现了博士的墓碑,原来他在留下那封信后不久便被人杀害。为了拯救埃米博士,马丁乘坐时空穿梭机来到了1885年的美国西部。 马丁能否改变历史,拯救博士的生命?二人能否成功回到未来?“ 回到未来三部曲”完结篇,一起与马丁乘坐时空穿梭机畅游时间。
Alice Roberts explores the latest discoveries in the study of human origins, revealing the transformation that has been brought about in this field by genetics. Traditional paleo-anthropology, based on fossils, is being transformed by advanced genome sequencing techniques. We now know that there were at least four other distinct species of human on the planet at the same time a...
Dr Michael Mosley seeks to establish the truth about meat. Every year, humans raise and eat 65 billion animals - nine animals for every person on the globe. In this eye-opening documentary, Michael examines the impact that this is having on the planet and finds out what meat eco-friendly carnivores should be buying. Is it better to buy free-range organic or factory-farmed meat?...
The Ebola virus. No-one knows exactly where it comes from but one thing is certain - it's one of the most virulent infections known to science. This special episode of Horizon meets the scientists and doctors from all around the world looking for the cure and hears first-hand accounts of what it's actually like to catch - and survive - this terrible disease.
马丁(Michael J. Fox 饰)才回到现实世界与女友团聚,布朗博士(Christopher Lloyd 饰)就心急火燎地把他们带到了30年后的未来世界,原来这一次是马丁未来的两个孩子因参与抢劫锒铛入狱,博士要携马丁一起阻止悲剧发生。 周旋一番后,两个孩子被成功挽救,但三人回到现实世界后,却发现周遭发生了天翻地覆的变化,世界被贝夫(Thomas F. Wilson饰)所控制,马丁的父亲乔治惨死,母亲洛莲(Lea Thompson 饰)竟然成了贝夫的妻子! 这一切都是因为时光机器的秘密不慎被未来的老贝夫识破,他偷偷回去捣鬼,竟因此使得整个世界都在他的掌握下!马丁与博士再次踏上时光穿梭的征途,希望将世界扳回正轨。
故事发生在17世纪,传说中海盗最为活跃的加勒比海。风趣迷人的杰克·斯伯洛(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰),是活跃在加勒比海上的海盗,拥有属于自己的“黑珍珠”号海盗船。对他来说,最惬意的生活就是驾驶着“黑珍珠”号在加勒比海上游荡,自由自在的打劫过往船只。但不幸的是,他的仇敌,老谋深算的巴尔巴罗萨船长(杰弗里·拉什 Geoffrey Rush 饰)偷走了他的“黑珍珠”号。巴伯萨是一个无恶不作的坏蛋,他抢劫了杰克的"黑珍珠号"后,更加猖狂,在加勒比海上横行霸道,一时成为整个加勒比海的霸主。 一次,巴伯萨一伙袭击了罗亚尔港小镇,还绑架了总督的女儿伊莉莎白·斯万(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰)和伊莉莎白青梅竹马的铁匠学徒威尔·特纳(奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom 饰),想方设法救出了狱中的船长杰克,偷来英国皇家舰队最...
火箭浣熊(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 配音)偷走了大祭司阿耶莎(伊丽莎白·德比齐 Elizabeth Debicki 饰)的能量电池,包括星爵(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)、卡魔拉(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)、德拉克斯(戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 Dave Bautista 饰)在内的一行人遭到了后者派出的舰队的袭击。一个神秘人物乘坐着飞船救下了银河护卫队的众人,而驾驶着飞船的不是别人,竟然正是星爵的亲生父亲伊戈(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)。 在伊戈的带领下,星爵、卡魔拉和德拉克斯来到了由伊戈一手制造的星球上,而剩下的成员们则着手修复损坏的飞船。那边厢,阿耶莎委托勇度(迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 饰)抓住星爵替自己报仇,而卡魔拉亦渐渐发现了伊戈和善面目下隐藏的巨大阴谋。
Horizon looks at dark energy - the mysterious force that is unexpectedly causing the universe's expansion to speed up. The effects of dark energy were discovered in 1998 but physicists still don't know what it is. Worse, its very existence calls into question Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity - the cornerstone of modern physics. The hunt for the identity of dark en...
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